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Leverage your company potential with SAP solutions


Nowadays mobile devices are becoming inseparable part of our businesses. That’s why we can offer custom development for mobile devices based on newest available technologies


ABAP push channel

React JS


Using above we can provide to our applications fresh data in real-time. All applications can be fully integrated with FIORI launchpad and SAP standard processes. In response to the needs of the market, with our applications you can replace your old barcode scanners based on Microsoft Windows by new ones based on Android or iOS.


Modern web Applications, reports & API

The new generation of WEB applications promotes the ideas of enhanced user experience, simplicity and can be integrated with SAP standard processes. FIORI Applications based on:


React JS


Framework supported by OData / CDS / REST services provide fastest and more user friendly tools which can be used on different devices like PC, tablets or smartphones.


Depending on your needs we can design and create new documents or labels in on one of three SAP technologies like:

Adobe forms



You can replace your old labels made in Sapscript & Smartforms technology to Adobe forms with us.  If needed we can extend, modify and support existing solutions.

Sap ABAP technologies

Sometimes solutions made in traditional SAP technology works fine and there is no need to replace it by new applications made in web technologies. But as your business changes, a few vital functions may be lacking. We can provide support and new functionalities for old fashion development and SAP modules with the best quality.

SAP FIORi solution

Modern web based or native mobile applications, reports & API

Digital signature

Radio scanners


Tactile Apps

Our SAP development EXPIERIENCE covers

Solution implemented in SAP Fiori for Web

Complex dashboard to manage on-line shipment and outbound deliveries with truck’s managment

Tactile application for easy Plant Maintenance with SVG layout (for Reactive & Preventive)

Full screen monitoring on shopfloor and in the warehouse to show real-time data

Set of API (WS, REST, Odata) to integrate SAP systems with external suppliers

Aplication implemented in SAP Fiori for Native Mobile

15+ FIORI Application to manage Inbound and Outbound Warhouse by RF Scanners with Android (2D barcode)

FIORI Application with technology of ABAP Push Channel integrated with other applications (real-time data avaialable in SAP)

SAP CASE STUDY in Sales and Distribution

Dashboard of shipmentS

Web based dashboard for easy shipment & delivery management

What are technologies used and what is solution?

React JS


ABAP push channels

REST service


Main application is a control cockpit where all shipments are visible on three different views. On dashboard view there is information about current situation on the warehouse including trucks standing on docks and materials on virtual trucks. On list view there are all shipments scheduled for current today and upcoming day. Last view – Scheduler view is like a big callendar with boxes which represent  shipments. It is like a planner, where logistic people can plan and book loading windows for their customers.

The next application is a dock monitor, which is displayed above each of the dock in the warehouse on big TV screen. There is visualization of progress of truck’s loading, there was also additional informations like customer, date and time, adress etc.

Both applications are connected with RF scanners so after each scan of material there is real-time signal sent and therefore is able to see on-line progres of truck’s loading. Solution is fully in SAP intgrated with SD process.

Benefits for business

Real-time info

Real-time information between people from Logistics and Warehouse department

Saved time

Less reaction time for potential delay

Errors eliminated

Reduction of potential mistakes



Planning tools
Time saving
Cost avoidence .

SAP CASE STUDY in Plant Maintenance


Web based tactile aplication in SAP for Plant Maintenance

What are technologies used and what is solution?

React JS




First application has been designed to work on touch screens, in this application there can be maps (SVG) uploaded of the shopfloor layout or simple tile lists with all machines and it is connected with equipments in SAP.

On the SVG layout user can put objects (boxes, circles etc.) which represent machines or whole production lines. If one of the machine breaks, operator by using RFID card, logs in the system and then after two touches breakdown is reported! Now color of the object is RED!

     On the next application – dashboard with all failures, new requested breakdown occurs immediately. When machine is fixed, mechanics can quickly fulfill all details e.g. reason of breakdown, what has been done, etc.. After closing an order then object changes its color to GREEN on the layout.

Benefits for business

Speed up of whole Plant Maintenance process

Cost savings due to faster interaction

User friendly applications with touchable PC

Real-time information of Reactive & Preventive Maintenance

Simplicity of whole process fully integrated with standard PM in SAP

SAP CASE STUDY in Materials Management

FIORI Apps on radio-scanners

Web based aplication designed for radio-scanners launched from FIORI Launchpad

What are technologies used and what is solution?

FIORI Apps for Android devices:

React JS



which using REST API to connect with SAP. Using first application operator is able to create goods receipt. After loading materials to the shelf, application is using special algorithm and is looking for nearest material which should be taken to delivery. After assiging materials to delivery, application shows to user, where the material should be put, on which labeling area. After scanning labeling area labels for customer are automathically printed. Using second application user does pokayoke check and then user does loading on truck or virtual truck. All applications are launched from FIORI Launchpad 2.0 on ZEBRA devices, model MC3300 with Android OS.

Benefits for business:

Automation of labels printing

Speed up of whole process

Simplicity of the proces

Fully integrated with standard WM/MM process in SAP

User friendly GUI

Forklifts riding less distances

Forklift are always busy

SAP CASE STUDY in Sales and Distribution

Digital Signature in SAP

Web based aplication in which people can sign documents digitally

What are requirement & suggested solution?

There was a need to have a device connected with SAP in which truck driver can sign document digitally. This device can be a tablet or a dedicated signing pad.


FIORI Web based application which can be run on a tablet or PC. User will have a possibility to choose and display document which should be digitaly signed by a truck driver. Truck driver will fill the required fields and sign a document. User will print one copy for truck driver and another copy will be automaticaly archived in SAP system with a signature on the document. Paper copies don’t need to be stored or scanned for archive purposes anymore.

Benefits for business:

Speed up whole process

Less physical activieties e.g. printing, etc..

Simplicity of the proces

Simplicity of the proces fully integrated with standard SD & WM process in SAP

User friendly GUI

Cost savings due paperless operations