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Industry 4.0 / IoT

Online data available directly from production

Technologies of the fourth industrial revolution

Technological pillars are the basis of the fourth industrial revolution Intelligent and autonomous systems are used in many areas of life, and their full capabilities reflect what Industry 4.0 is and give an overview of the progress that has taken place today.

1. AMR robots

The aim of Autonomus Mobile Robots is to  integrate with oneself and other people and learn from them. With the help of modern software, they can perform heavy and precise tasks, and their sizes and functions are extremely varied. They have the ability to monitor, transfer data, and use data obtained from the environment.

3. Horizontal and vertical integration

Before the advent of Industry 4.0, information systems were not fully integrated with each other. Currently, as part of vertical integration, all layers of the enterprise are connected with each other, allowing the flow of information between them. Horizontal integration is used to connect devices and systems at the same production level located in different places. All these connections in both cases are intended to facilitate drawing conclusions, by understanding the organization not as separate organizational units, but as a comprehensive system of which all departments and functions are part.

5. Cloud computing

A remote system that can be accessed from anywhere via the Internet is the basis for the most advanced technologies. Cloud data processing ensures scalability, increased computing power and is responsible for improving data availability and integrity. Communication between people or machines is also largely supported by cloud services.

7. 3D printing

3D printing plays an important role in designing and prototyping. In Industry 4.0, it is also increasingly used in unit production. This technology makes it possible to create personalized products, and additive manufacturing during 3D printing places the material only where it is needed, which means less consumption and lighter parts.  The performance of 3D printers improves very quickly, increasing the variety of things that can be produced with them. Designs of created parts are stored virtually for easy sharing.

7. Cybersecurity

As connectivity between devices increases, so does the need to protect data. Cybersecurity is the application of appropriate control processes to protect programs or systems against cyber attacks. This is essential in both small and large companies.

2. Simulations

Currently, they are mainly used to design manufactured components. They use real-time data to reflect the production processes of their product development in a virtual environment. The models can be tested, so that even before production begins, it is possible to significantly improve the quality of products. Simulation of objects, systems or processes is called a digital twin. 

4. Internet of Things IoT and IIoT

The Internet of Things (IOT is concerned with the network and connectivity of smart devices and covers a wide range of users and sectors. IIoT Industrial Internet of Things ) is a technology that derives from IoT and, as the name suggests, these are devices used in industry. The vast majority of machines and other physical objects are equipped with sensors to collect data. They can influence decisions made in real time and thus increase productivity and efficiency in the workplace.

6. Augmented reality

A remote system that can be accessed from anywhere via the Internet is the basis for the most advanced technologies. Cloud data processing ensures scalability, increased computing power and is responsible for improving data availability and integrity. Communication between people or machines is also largely supported by cloud services.

8. Big Data and Artificial Intelligence

Big Data datasets are very diverse as they are obtained from many, especially new sources . They are reaching enterprises with increasing speed Their analysis with the use of artificial intelligence and machine learning allows for a significant improvement in the quality of services, energy savings and quality optimization. It is also important that everything takes place in real time, and receiving results allows it to make or change decisions on an ongoing basis , which means that it is possible to take appropriate corrective actions at the right time.

Industry 4.0 benefits

Technologies such as IoT, artificial intelligence, Big Data, combined with analytics, provide an excellent field for enterprise management. The ability to track the collected data in real time or its processing greatly affects the level of business management and the quality of services provided. Intelligent resources largely have built-in sensors, and digital products have the ability to send information about their state or level of use. All this has an impact on the digitization of entire factories, and thus the production of personalized products on a large scale while optimizing costs.